Hunching, lordosis, and other spine curvatures are familiar to many parents. Children struggle with various postural defects from an early age. These, especially during their growth period, can be very dangerous and – even worse – affect their future health and well-being. However, simple changes can support your little one’s spine daily. If you don’t know where to start, check out our guide.
Firstly, exercise and good habits
Well-developed muscles provide support and protection for the small back. Find together a form of activity that your child will enjoy. Corrective gymnastics classes will undoubtedly help to maintain correct posture. Start with the school or kindergarten if you need help finding suitable lessons. This is where there are often free or slightly cheaper training sessions for toddlers.
Swimming is also a good activity. However, consider using an experienced instructor. Proper technique will make all the difference to your little swimmer’s comfort and the effectiveness of the exercise.
Don’t underestimate small changes, either. Climbing the stairs, taking a short walk each day – these are tips that, although they seem trivial, make a real difference to health. Also, keep an eye on your child’s ability to sit correctly when playing and learning, and watch out for moments when they adopt inappropriate posture.
Provide a supportive environment – KneeGuardKids car seat footrests and furniture
Developing habits can be difficult even for a motivated and aware adult. Therefore, make the task easier for your child. If a school backpack contributes to humping, check that it only contains the essentials and that the straps are at a good height.
Take care of the furniture in the child’s room – the chair and the table should also be adapted to the child’s height and needs. Appropriate lighting is no less critical.
Equally essential is caring for the child’s back when travelling by car. If your child has a car seat, equip your vehicle with the KneeGuardKids footrest. With this adjustable footrest, you will increase the ride’s comfort, and the correct body positioning will be enforced on your little one. This is important for health reasons and protection in the event of a possible accident.
Don’t be afraid to seek specialist help
If you notice that your child has postural problems or starts to complain of pain or limp, do not be afraid to see a specialist physiotherapist. A visit will allow you to diagnose your child’s problems correctly and prescribe further action. Sometimes small things can make a difference. For example, you may be advised on exercise, play posture, diet, or wearing the correct shoe inserts for orthopedic problems.
These few simple pieces of advice put into practice should support your mentee in maintaining the correct posture. First, however, ensure that the changes are manageable for your child. Simple and enjoyable exercises and the support of loved ones motivate better than strict compulsions and prohibitions.